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Should We Watch Nevers?
Posted by Paloma on March 3, 2021 at 5:23 pmNow that Joss Whedon creates a toxic workplace in his film/tv sets has come out, many people are calling viewers to “boycott” The Nevers. Joss Whedon left or was forced out of the HBO show after the filming of the first season. Do you think watching the first season of The Nevers is morally okay even though we may be supporting an abuser? Or is the fact that Whedon left the show make it fine? I feel mixed emotions about seeing the show.
Paloma replied 3 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Well, did you watch ‘The Nevers’ Paloma? I did but I honestly forgot that Whedon had anything to do with it until about half way through the show when I began to read about it. I was confused at the point I was at in the show and was hoping to get some answers. Anyway, I understand that he has since left the show. With all that being said, I honestly do not know how I feel about it. It has some pretty cool scenes and I like the heroic acts and special abilities of the two female leads. I like the chemistry between them for sure. But the storyline is all over the place in my opinion. Is it supposed to be a focus on the supernatural, demonic or aliens? That is what blew my mind. Here you think the show is about one thing and then the end has that twist that just blows your mind. What is it about and this ‘magical dust’ that is released? Very odd…it will be interesting to see how this show plays out and it can keep its audience.
I did end up watching The Nevers. I’m a big Urban Fantasy work and liked the trailer. I agree that the pilot didn’t hit it out of the park, but there were some fascinating parts. I will give it a few more episodes, but it will probably change after the first six episodes because of the new showrunner. So I can’t decide if I will continue to watch the series until I watch The Nevers Season 1 Part 2.
I agree with you. The show definitely has potential but, like you, I am going to need to see how the story develops over the next couple of episodes.
Well, I guess we will see. I’m hopeful.
I have to say the ending of episode two caught my attention.
I have gotten behind already but will be catching up this weekend!
I would curious about your opinion on the second episode.
Well I have stuck with this series, hoping and praying it gets better, but so far I am just not overly impressed. I am going to finish it out but I do not see the necessity of some things, such as the gratuitous nudity, as it adds nothing to the plot. I just don’t get it. Plus the weird club that one guy has. Don’t see how it ties into the story either. Call me a prude if you will but don’t need all that.
I agree. I have no problem with nudity or explicit sex scenes if necessary for the story, but HBO loves to add that to all their shows, even when the TV show could do without them. I’m mildly enjoying The Nevers, but I’m not a big fan yet. I won’t make up my mind until I see the second part of the series when the new Showrunner takes over.
Last night, I finished part 1 of Nevers Season One Episode Six. I felt mixed about the finale, but overall I enjoyed the first part of Nevers. The first season doesn’t blow me away, but I enjoyed the story and characters enough to keep on watching.
John, what did you think about the finale?
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