The Phantom
‘The Phantom’ is an absolutely heartbreaking documentary about the injustice of an innocent man being sentenced to death in the state of Texas for a crime he did not commit. This is not a long documentary at all but it is long enough to give the details and facts to show that Carlos De Luna was wrongly arrested and eventually killed for a crime he never took part in. Did he do bad things and have a record? Yes he did, and he admitted to it, but the authorities in the community in which the crime took place did not present all the evidence – such as the entire recordings of the phone call made by the victim to the police department – nor did they question many people in the area about what they might have seen. Nor did they consider the fact that Carlos De Luna did not have any blood at all on him when found even though the victim was stabbed multiple times and it showed in the photographs that anyone at the scene would have had blood on them. Absolutely another example of injustice done to an innocent person. A family lost a young woman and mother during a crime and a. Innocent young man lost his life after serving time on death row. This is an interesting and intriguing documentary but it does make you angry.
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