The Sandman
Ok, I am going to go ahead and put it out there that the latest DC entry, ‘The Sandman’, currently streaming on Netflix, unfortunately is just a no for me. Not surprising to those whose know me since I really am no fan of many, in fact, very few, comic book based shows/films. While the scenes and acting are decent, I was not a big fan of the look the Sandman, aka Dream, as he looked like something out of ‘The Never Ending Story’, for those who remember that fantasy film from long ago.
The other thing is the story itself just was not intriguing enough for me. It is about the capture of Dream, who just so happens to control all dreams, via a magic spell, and is held prisoner for more than a century. Once released he must try and fix the ’damage’ that has been done by his being held capture. I don’t know how long a series can go on about this but unfortunately it is just not enough to hold my interest in the rest of the ride.
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