Tiger & Jesse ‘Mistresses’ Get Reality TV Offer

With all the fed up and furious celebrity wives out there, it seems amazing that the mistresses are the ones now getting all the attention! As some of these women have also just recently made public apologies, is a reality television show based on cheating really the right road to redemption for them?

TMZ reports that a new reality show rightfully named, “Celebrity Cheaters”, is shopping around the networks for a home. And how ironic, that Jesse James and Tiger Woods number one mistresses, Michelle “Bombshell” McGee and Jamie Jungers, will be first choices to host the show. Bobby Goldstein, the creator of the reality show “Cheaters”, created the show in hopes of trying to “catch celebrity cheaters with their pants down.”

Goldstein confirms that McGee and Jungers have both agreed to do it, though nothing has been signed yet. But what do you think about this? And will you be watching?


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