The Daily Verse: Prey 2 Lives, Final Fantasy Theatrythm Info and Protoype 2 Trailers
Good news everyone! We’ve got some great info for fans of Prey. We’ve also got some information on Final Fantasy Theatrythm Pre-orders, along with a new screen, and then to top it off, not one, but two new Prototype 2 Trailers.
Prey 2 Delayed, Not Cancelled
So we got an e-mail this morning that is great news for the Human Head developed title. Bethesda would like to assure fans that Prey 2 is NOT cancelled. However, it will also not be coming out in 2012. They state that it is due to their dissatisfaction in regards to how the title had been developing since it’s last showing. They go on to say that in order to deliver a quality product, the game has been delayed. So keep your hopes up and remember, the original Prey may have seen plenty of delays, but it did eventually see the light of day.
Final Fantasy Theatrythm Info
Square Enix, Inc., the publishers of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in the Americas, today announced a pre-order offer for THEATRHYTHM™ FINAL FANTASY® for the Nintendo 3DS hand-held system. North American customers who pre-order the game will receive one gripped stylus while supplies last. Players can customize the game-themed accessory with 17 stickers that feature the FINAL FANTASY franchise’s most popular characters including: Cloud, Moogle, Lightning, Chocobo, Tidus, Cecil, Terra and Squall.
Adorably redesigned heroes from the catalogue of FINAL FANTASY titles set out on an adventure to combat memorable villains with the rhythmic taps of the player’s stylus. THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY features over 70 musical scores spanning 25 years of the FINAL FANTASY franchise, and features music from key events, lush field themes and decisive battle arrangements. The game is set for release on July 3 for Nintendo 3DS.
Prototype 2 Live Action Trailer
Prototype 2 Pack Leader Trailer
That’s all for today on The Daily Verse! Stop by every day for your gaming fix. Also, follow us on Twitter, and make sure to drop us a line down in the comments! We’re always keeping our eyes peeled to bring you all the best news in the ‘verse!
July 3rd is going to be a day I depart with some cash, I believe. FINAL FANTASY, here we come.