July 30, 2013
In this week’s episode of Falling Skies, the physical damage to the Volm power base, and Charleston, was a direct correlation to the emotional upheaval that also occurred.
July 15, 2013
Are you ready to hear about the roller coaster ride that was this week’s Falling Skies episode? Well, buckle your seat belts folks and prepare to take the plunge.
July 2, 2013
We’re already at the half-way mark to our Falling Skies season finale! I personally have no idea how they’re going to fit everything in before then.
June 18, 2013
We begin this episode of Falling Skies with the youngest Mason, Matt, running to various perimeter outposts manned by the Second Mass, delivering batteries first to Lyle and Anthony, and then to Ben and Denny.
June 5, 2013
We begin the season finale of Revolution with a viewer discretion on the violent content of the episode; a warning of things to come.
May 29, 2013
We began this week’s episode of Revolution with last week’s cliffhanger: Rachel has managed to walk right up to Monroe, and stands in his tent with a live grenade.
May 22, 2013
Most of us at one time or another has played the board game Clue. And last night’s episode of Revolution sure had us wondering whodunit!!
May 15, 2013
This week’s episode of Revolution was fast and furious, with some interesting insights into some of our characters.
May 8, 2013
This week’s episode of Revolution wasn’t so much a love boat…rather, it was a power struggle with several factions…
May 1, 2013
In this week’s episode of Revolution, we begin with Miles and Hudson sitting inside a tent, drinking alcohol while thinking back to a recent skirmish they had…
April 10, 2013
Another night, another episode of Revolution behind us. And what an episode! We begin this week with Monroe admitting Neville into his office, after making the man wait outside for an hour.
April 9, 2013
After the devastating death of Danny last week, we begin this week’s episode of Revolution with his burial.
March 27, 2013
WOW. When you think back to the fall finale of Revolution, it seemed like things were finally looking up for the group in that they had all managed to unite and escape.
November 28, 2012
The Revolution Fall Finale began with a flashback of Miles’s. 5 years after the blackout, during a fighting spree called the Trenton Campaign, Miles and Monroe are holed up next to some rubble, shooting at opposing fire, when Miles runs out of bullets.