Author: DoubtingSalmon

Whatever Works Review: A Little of This

One down side of being an auteur is that after a while all of your films become strikingly similar. Another down side is that no one picture can ever be judged on its own merit, but rather always in context of ones past. Those facts are never so apparent than in Woody Allen’s new film, Whatever Works. A decent example of his theories on the human condition this movie will be remembered as the one where Allen most cannibalized himself.

DVD Review: Lost: Season 1

The first season of LOST begins the chronicles of the stories of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 after it crash lands on a mysterious, tropical island. We follow the large cast of characters as they discover new things about the island, and we discover things about their past.

DVD Review: Lost: Season 2

Season two of LOST picks up right where we were left hanging in season one. The hatch discovered in season one is explored and a sole inhabitant is found inside; the doomed crew of the raft return to the island and discover quite a surprise.

Mischa Barton’s Must Have Jewelry

Mischa Barton was photographed on Thursday, April 9th, wearing Delicate Raymond’s Mother of Pearl rosary necklace and Montmartre vintage nameplate bracelet. The OC actress will star in the upcoming CW network show A Beautiful Life, produced by Ashton Kutcher.

IMAX Stock Falls on Harry Potter Delay

As if they weren’t already upset about the growing bad-mouthing of what critic Roger Ebert calls “IMAX Lite” screens being installed in multiplexes, IMAX investors

MTV Premieres New Comedy Block With ‘DJ & The Fro,’ ‘Is She Really Going Out With Him?’ And ‘Silent Library.’

MTV is bringing unfiltered comedy all summer long as they premiere a new daily lineup combining three unique genres like they’ve never been done before. On Monday, June 15th from 5:00pm-6:30pm, the weekday comedy block kicks off, inviting fans to sit back, relax and be entertained by some pretty hilarious, balls out comedy. The new block includes the animated strip, DJ & The Fro, a funny look at questionable couplings in Is She Really Going Out With Him? and not really a game show game show with Silent Library.

Man Movie Enyclopedia

Man Movie Encyclopedia Presents: The Top 5 Manliest Deaths

Oh, death. It’s a many splendored thing, don’t you think? When it comes to movies, there are fewer things that are as big a pay-off than a death. Hell, I’d go as far to say that a death is usually THEE pay-off. Nothing better than seeing that smug villain get the final death-touch as Arnold hurls a pipe through his gut and spits a witty one-liner. Or that awesome shot of someone taking an axe to the head as they run in Wrong Turn 2.