Charlie Sheen Reveals: I Want My Job Back On Two And A Half Men
Charlie Sheen’s city to city ‘Violent Torpedo of Truth Tour’ seems more and more like hour-long ‘moments of clarity’ for himself rather than entertainment for his audience…
Sheen’s latest stop at Radio City Music Hall in New York City however, brought forth a need we all knew was on the tip of Charlie’s tongue [besides revelations of tiger blood and how he’s ‘winning’].
“I want my job back,” Sheen said [referring to his job on Two And A Half Men]. He even invited the show’s producer Chuck Lorre [whom he bashed repeatedly in the recent past] to his Sunday performance at the same venue.
Not surprising that Sheen should want his spot back on the hit show, especially considering that his tour isn’t really what you’d call successful [fans have shouted for refunds, booed the actor, and many have walked out early].
But can you blame them? The one-hour dialogue with an interviewer consists of stories about his run-in’s with drugs, death, prostitutes, overdose, and sex addiction. Not really the actor we all once knew and loved…
Is it too late for Sheen to regain his 2 million dollar an episode spot on Two And A Half Men? And is his tour hurting his career beyond repair? Sound off in our comments below!
I think Charlie Sheen should not be given another chance with 2 and a Half. Too much has occured for him to ever
be consdiered reputable. His fans are teens and twenty
year olds primarily. He’s wasting money at such a rate
he has to beg Lorre to take him back. Is obvious they
all made the right decsion to drop him like a bad habit.
And is his tour hurting his career beyond repair? —– Well how is 2 and a Half Men doing in reruns? I guess that tells the story.
Everyone keeps talking about Charlie. What about all the cast and crew members?. They are all out of a job because of the carless, inconsiderate and very selfish actions of Charlie Sheen. In the world today there are so many wondering how they are going to feed their family and there is Charlie Sheen expecting people to pay to watch him make a fool out of himself. How nice it would be to see him use his celebrity to do good in the world and help others….nah..I forgt, were talking about a selfish, self-centred, self-absorbed idiot. Charlie Sheen you should be a ashamed of yourself !!!!
I offered him a gig as spokesman for but he never responded….(LOL)
My thoughts are he pretty much burned his bridges. It just never would be the same. Move on Charlie!!
I completely agree.